Another week of top 10 moves from both Gosugamers and WoDotA. And i must say that this week WoDota give us better moves. And what's more, the
We Are Electric song is back! Check it out!
10: Mirana Kill Steal Roshan from the Scourge with a timely Arrow
9: Earthshaker and Tiny cleared the scourge
8: Shadowfiend doing a Double Kill on Silencer and Viper. He then escaping Venge’s stun by using Smoke of Deceit
7: Neutral Creep getting a Triple Kill =)) Epic!!
6: Meepo escaped death with timely Poofs and gets a Triple Kill from different Meepos
5: Sand King is able to predict Treant and kills him while Treant is invisible
4: Slark getting Ultra Kill with skillful use of changing Power Treads
3: Keeper of the Light denied tower and manage to get an Ultra Kill by casting Illuminate from the blind side
2: Invoker getting a Rampage by using many skills and ended with Sun Strike on the Scourge base
1: Veno traping Sniper with wards and killing him. Veno then using wards to kill Mirana, Tiny and Puck
Special: Crystal Maiden self kill?